C2 Online

We are in the process of making upgrades to this website and will not be accepting any new user subscriptions until January 22, 2025 once upgrades are completed.


Office In Home


Do not miss out on determining and deducting the costs of running your business or working as an employee from your personal residence.

Using space in your home for work?

Claim that space as a deduction.

Try our easy Office in Home Calculator, to calculate your deduction and provide to your tax professional.

Click here to Read more details about the simplified process for claiming a deduction for home office expenses for employees working from home due to COVID-19

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About C2 Online

C2 Online provides accurate and personalized bookkeeping and administrative support services. We use our experience, knowledge, and attention to detail to provide you with accurate and timely information, daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annually or annually to support your business needs.

Our TeamTestimonials

Our Team

Darlene Lafond R.P.A

Darlene Lafond R.P.A

Managing Partner, CEO, Research and Development Officer

Darlene started her career working for financial institutions granting personal loans to help her clients fulfill their dreams of home and vehicle ownership.

In 1987, Darlene started her own business. In 1991, she expanded her operations and opened Morinville Business Centre for bookkeeping, consulting, and training. She then became federally certified with Option Learn as an educational institution. In 2005, she expanded her business once again to include a satellite branch of ATB Financial. And in 2009, she became a founding partner in C2online. After almost 40 years in business, Darlene is still so passionate about her work and clients.

I am the accounting professional that is dedicated to helping and mentoring businesses to maximize on their opportunities, save money, and tell the story of their financial information.

A core value towards work ethics is reflected in her saying “I have no fear only priorities”.

Joan Rupert C.P.B.

Joan Rupert C.P.B.

Managing Partner, CFO, Research and Development Officer

Since entering the business world in 1981, exposure to new and growing businesses has been the most exciting part of it all.

1999 was a rewarding year, and it was then that she decided helping small businesses was her passion! Farm & Small Business consulting and bookkeeping to assist a small business owner in making important business decisions has been a rewarding job.

In 2009 Joan began her journey to see how she could help other bookkeepers and all small business owners with C2online's tools to assist them and enable them to save money. At C2online, Joan plays a key role in the research and development of tools for software application for a bookkeeper.

Dominique Lafond B.Comm

Dominique Lafond B.Comm

Managing Partner

Dominique was raised in an entrepreneur environment - she began to work in an accounting and bookkeeping environment at 12 years old. She realized at a young age that she had a passion to help businesses. Eventually that passion led her to a managing director position at C2online with a focus on marketing. "I love understanding a business, identifying their goals in the market and finding creative ways to make them happen!"

Her career has lead her to a Regional Marketing Communications Specialist position with an international accounting and advisory firm. Dominique continues to excel in her career and maintains a core belief that value and passion direct everything she does. "It's imperative to focus on the why - why do we do what we do and why is it important to our target."

Attributes Our Staff Aspire to Grow and Maintain:

  • Experience,
  • Service focus,
  • Flexibility,
  • Professionalism,
  • Supportive nature,
  • Mentoring and training focused,
  • Organized,
  • Confidentiality and Privacy.


Take a peak at what our clients are saying about us. We'd like to add you to our list of happy customers.

 I am impressed with the quality of the ideas and the level with which C2Online is promoting bookkeepers. Congratulations. 

- RoseMarie
Rescue My Bookkeeping

 I am self-employed as a bookkeeper for several small businesses. I use the MBC tool, Simplified Ledger, to quickly add up expenses, reconcile bank statements, gather information and provide a complete breakdown of expenses that transfer easily to a software or program. What used to take me hours to add tape and breakdown for clients, now has simplified and sped up the process. Since it is very easy to use, I can now train my clients on it to do at their own location and have more control over their own companies bookkeeping. The office in home calculates spreadsheet is so accurate that it enables all of my clients to see how much they are actually spending in their own home on their company. 

- Easy Books

 C2online tools have simplified my daily routine tasks of managing a bookkeeping office & bookkeeping clients. C2online tools have increased productivity for my bookkeepers and added value to their clients. 

- A. Sullivan

 I am a Certified Professional Compiler and have been professionally for 13 years. We have calculated how long it takes to straighten, sort by date, source on payment and categorize 100 expense receipts. The time was 1.25 minutes each time we had to touch the receipts resulting in a bookkeeping charge of 6.25 hours for 100 receipts, costing the client 6.25 x $70 per hour =$437.50. We have found as a bookkeeper we should be trying to save the business money not costing more. When I used Simplified Ledger developed by C2 the same 100 receipts now cost the client $25.00, if he/she post the receipts. If he/she hires me to post the receipts it would be 2.08 hours x $70 =$145.60 for a savings of $291.90. While working with small businesses and large, both incorporated and proprietorships, we have come to realize a third of their budget is used in wages. This does not include accounting fees with the high raising accountants and bookkeepers' fees, it is a relief to know there is an alternative I can provide to my clients not only in bookkeeping but also administration solutions in the running of their business with C2. 

- JR

 Thank you to C2online and their products for providing bookkeepers with valuable information all in one place…..best of all…..saves us hours of creating these ourselves. You make us look good to our clients. 

- RM Cook Business Services Inc.

 I have had the privilege of working with Lisa on programs designed to help bookkeepers, when I was the Executive Director of the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada. C2online products create an opportunity for bookkeepers to expand their knowledge, level of service, and revenues. I quite enjoy working with Lisa and am looking for ways that we can work together with my new company, ihonest.com She is known as a subject matter expert in the bookkeeping industry and I have found myself calling on her for advice on numerous occasions. 

- Gordon Skillen

 I love the Simplified Ledger. It saves so much time when entering things like cash receipts, expense reported for all types of business or using it as financials for proprietorships because it allows to input both income and expenses and the formulas are designed to not only total them for you but to separate into each category, saving time and money as input into a accounting program is not necessary. 

- Danielle

 The in Home Office Calcuator spreadsheet which is not only great in figuring out what is an allowable expense for home office use but incredibly beneficial for figuring out home use in home based business such as a day home. The simple to follow walk around to get the square footage of your home and what amount you use for business on the first tab and then you just input your expenses in the second tab and it’s formulas tell you what you can claim as an “in Home Office” expense. I found this spreadsheet very helpful and time saving in figuring out total expenses as well as being very accurate. 

- Carmen

 Our bookkeeper utilizes the tools of C2online to ensure that she provides us the opportunity to maximize on our deductions and SAVE MONEY. Over the past 10 years, these tools have provided us $1000.00’s of dollars in savings. We also sleep at night because we know that all our paperwork is in order thanks to the tools provided by C2online ensuring our bookkeeper is compliant. We recommend C2online tools to any bookkeeper for small businesses. 

- Paula
RPM Contracting

 When I am speaking with people about their legals needs, they often ask about bookkeeping and accounting. I refer them to C2online because I can trust the information they receive is accurate and credible. The tools they provide assist my business clients with their bookkeeping needs and provide my clients the opportunity to save money. 

- Linda Ramussen
The Plan Specialist

 I have used C2online's product Simplified Ledger – Business for 3 years. I am able to input my expenses and income on a ledger that will provide the reporting needed for my accountant has saved me so much money in bookkeeping fees. This ledger was so easy to use and I needed no Excel knowledge to use the spreadsheet. The best part is that the ledger can sort, filter and total my information. I recommend Simplified ledger to other small businesses. 

- Carol
Path Finder Inc.

 Simplified Ledger - Business It was like balancing a cheque book, after some simple instruction. I found the work sheets so easy to follow. The Simplified Ledger was so easy, I did my whole year based on those worksheets. I swear by these worksheets, they have cut down my bookkeeping costs. This system really works. I recommend that you try it, you won’t regret it; and there’s no confusion. 

- L&R - Plumbing

 I have seen how MBC, the bookkeeper we use, uses C2online's tools so that we understand what is happening with our books. I have been a client at Morinville Business Centre for approximately 15 years. C2online's tools have made our returns and financial planning easy to understand. Thank you for many years of dedication. 

- Nancy
Trancy's Welding

 C2online has excellent tools for small business accounting solutions. C2 is very informative. I recommend business owners to the site. 

- Emad
ESE-LSS Life Safety Systems Technologies

 When working with a business for over 10 years they had always relied on a professional to take care of their books. Thinking they should try to do it within office, they hired help for one year. After 3 nightmare bookkeepers, an enormous amount of money and a bookkeeping mess; he had to take on the bookkeeping himself. With the help of Simplified Ledger , he was able to do the records including bank reconciliations while he was out in the field. The ability to use a computer keyboard and matching his receipts to the statements was the level of skill he needed. The time to record the information was less than it took to record information into a cheque book. 

- A&M Oilfield

 Lisa gives excellent presentations regarding her business and the services they have to offer. She is clear and concise, and has the ability to put people at ease while at the same time sparking their imaginations with the ideas on which C2 is based. I would recommend her to any business person who is interested in new ways to save time and money by making their business more efficient. 

- Avanzar Janitorial

 In my husband’s business of 15 years, we’ve been paying for a bookkeeper because I have a full time job. After talking to Darlene, she suggested I get our 16 year old daughter involved in the bookkeeping end of things. Darlene taught her how to match the receipts to the source of payment. She learned how to use the Simplified Ledger which had a prepare manual attached. I saw how easy it was to do, so I have now taken over the job. 

- D&H Welding

 C2 provides up to date advice in an educational atmosphere with professionalism and efficiency. We are very impressed by their investment strategies and ideas 

- Cheryl
DRT Welding

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View content    Simplified ledgers  are an affordable simple Excel based  system that adds, subtracts and sorts for you ... it's that easy.

    Over 80 additional tools and templates designed to help you manage and grow your business!


Templates Templates are provided in these popular formats.