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Office In Home


Do not miss out on determining and deducting the costs of running your business or working as an employee from your personal residence.

Using space in your home for work?

Claim that space as a deduction.

Try our easy Office in Home Calculator, to calculate your deduction and provide to your tax professional.

Click here to Read more details about the simplified process for claiming a deduction for home office expenses for employees working from home due to COVID-19

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Forms and Packages Our Complete Library of Forms and Packages Available for Purchase

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Category TitleDocument # - Form/Package TitleDetailed DescriptionFile Type
Agendas C2210va - Administration Agenda    
You could be losing out on thousands of dollars, and that sum could be growing at a compounded rate. Debt financing is one of the most powerful tools companies have to grow and expand. However, most company owners forget, that much like your assets, your debts and liabilities need to be maintained and managed.


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Agendas - Advertising Agenda    
With a well structured advertising campaign you will have clients calling you and offering you work , putting you in the position of power to decide who to work with.


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Agendas - Automobile Agenda    
Don’t let your company come to a grinding halt. Without vehicles you and your employees would have a hard time getting to work and your business might not be able to function.


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Agendas - Bookkeeping Agenda    
The most tedious part of running a small business and yet the most important, finances. Managing your finances doesn’t come easy to most business owners and yet without a watchful eye over the bottom line, companies fail, people lose jobs and problems arise.


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Agendas - Business Plan Agenda    
Not sure where your company is headed? Not sure how to get there? How can you lead your company if you have no vision or plan?


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Agendas - Equipment Agenda    
Don’t miss out on lost revenue. If your equipment breaks down and you are not prepared for it you could be missing out on significant revenue and ultimately profit.


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Agendas - Insurance Agenda    
Are you covered in the case of an accident? Have you done your due diligence. Accidents happen at times when we least expect them, however, being prepared for those times will make the experience bearable.


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Agendas C2206va - Privacy Policy Agenda    
With that knowledge, you can find new ways of understanding, communicating, and serving your customers, while providing them with the security that comes with full disclosure. Protocols can be made and utilized to ensure privacy with your business.


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Agendas - Staff Agenda    
With this 14 question agenda addresses issues that cover mentoring, job descriptions, training plus more that relates to your staff.


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Automobile Expense Tools c2203va - Automobile Agenda    
Don’t let your company come to a grinding halt. Without vehicles you and your employees would have a hard time getting to work and your business might not be able to function. By planning ahead and preparing a strategy for your vehicles you will be able to avoid problems ahead of time.


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Automobile Expense Tools SF193va - Automobile Log to Receipts    
When you have a vehicle used for employment, adoption purposes, business or medical travel, you can keep a record of expenses and kilometers in one location.


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Automobile Expense Tools SF217vc - Automobile Log with Expenses    
Need a central location to keep track of your Auto use and expenses? This tool is a simple manual input system where you can record your auto log including details and expenses.


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Automobile Expense Tools SF194g - Automobile Log with Expenses - Calculator    
How do you get reimbursed for using a personal vehicle for business purposes? This worksheet is used when you need to keep a record of your automobile kilometers and expenses.


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Automobile Expense Tools SF235vb - Kilometer Record Allowance Agreement    
Are you needing to complete a written agreement between two for a kilometer reimbursement for their personal auto use?


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Automobile Expense Tools SF387vj - Simplified Ledger - Convention    
When going on a Convention or assembling backup for one this tool will give you direction and compile all information need to accurately account of your expenses so you may provide an accurate account of expenses and time used.


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View content    Simplified ledgers  are an affordable simple Excel based  system that adds, subtracts and sorts for you ... it's that easy.

    Over 80 additional tools and templates designed to help you manage and grow your business!


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